A sign, bright and to the point, and as i read the sign, what happens, i slip, on the wet floor of the public loo. If the irony wasn't enough, a pulled ankle is the result. So today, i put yesterday's incident behind me and help my son get ready for school, for real this time, no confused dress rehearsal. His hearty lunch is ready, his bag packed and the tie issue has been sorted, though i admit i'm very out of practice. Let's face most of us females only ever wear a tie at school.
And now with the morning chaos out of the way, my son kills time watching cartoons, before his chaperon arrives, and i grab a few moments to enjoy my cup of tea, and rest my ankle again. I know i have the food delivery to deal with this morning, but i also have a couple of recipes i want to find, but also i must rest this ankle, so stitching will be on the cards too. As you can see i've made a little more progress with this cute design, and i'm hoping to finish it, either today or tomorrow.

I've also finished off a design that i started over 8 years ago, maybe even 10 years , thinking about it. I say finished and it is, well as far as i can go, due to the chart being missing, without a trace. But to finally have it at this stage is a good moment, one less UFO ( Un Finished Object) to be ticked off the list. I have a few Bang On The Door designs still left to stitch, and hopefully with my renewed love of cross stitch instead of reading. I still have my cardmaking but i've decided to take a break, one to renew my ideas as i've hit a block on making them at the moment, but also so that i can re-arrange my supplies so that it's a little less chaotic. I know i have christmas coming soon, i know 3 months away, but i need to start early if i intend to make plenty for this year, and also make some for PDSA to sell after all the help they have given us.
And now, my son has gone to school, his face beaming with excitement as he went on his new journey, his smile bright against the grey skies, and oh so smart in his uniform. I admit to a wobbly lip, my little boy is now a young man but i am so , so proud. He's come a long way and i see him going much further at his new school.
Enjoy your day.