Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Crafter distractions

CrossStitcher Issue 288 arrived through my door. I got distracted and am currently working on the new design by Emma Congdon. Yes i know, where is the hedgehog..He's been sidelined again. I will finished him, after this. I hope!

I was surprised when i found i had all the colours, no need to wait till i had been able to buy the colours i needed, which is the usual issue, but as i work on this, i'm wondering if i have any felt/fabric to match the colours, as it's got me thinking wall banner type thing, to go what will be my crafting area, once the boxes have been moved and their contents re-homed. It hardly seems nearly a year we have lived here, but i guess 2014 went fast.

Yesterday i met a lovely lady called Beryl. She is a volunteer for a group that visits people and helps them for a little while, whilst they go through an difficult, or lonely time. She's a fellow crafter and she is currently stitching a cross stitch clock design, which sounds lovely, but she also was wearing a ruffle scarf, which she says are so easy, and addictive to knit. The fun was that as you knit it, it twists, and twists and it encourages you to keep going. The effect is stunning and it only uses garter stitch! She's going to show me next week. I'm looking forward to it. It was lovely to have her company, i don't really see many people these days, my online social life is also taking a back burner of late, partly due to this ear infection, which is still here, and the fact the weather has been turning so cold too.

Today will be another day of trying to get things sorted, and i must remember to take things slow too, this low pressure that is descending on us causes the pain to increase, the joys of Fibromyaglia and our cat lately is making sure when i sit anywhere, i stay, my lap his favourite haunt. He's either keeping warm, or making me rest. Either way, it's nice to have his company for a change, he's usually out hunting and getting it to fights with the local tom.

Time for me to get my son's lunchbox ready and then sit with him whilst we watch cartoons before he goes to school.

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